The owner of Electronics Unlimited in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., Ron Muller has designed and installed everything from single GPS units in small go-fast catamarans to complete navigation systems incorporating radar, GPS, autopilot FLIR and more in superyachts.
“We work on a vast range of boats from 13 to 300 feet,” Muller explained. “We have installed electronics systems on yachts all over the world. I would say that 66 percent of the boats we handle are more than 60 feet long.
“I have great relationships with builders of high-performance boats,” he added. “But that came out of my own passion for high-performance.”
Passion, indeed. When it comes to his own boating pleasure, Muller is a devout Skater catamaran man, and he is among the most knowledgeable Skater fans cats outside the walls of the Douglas, Mich., company.
Muller’s Skater knowledge is equal to his passion for the brand, and that’s saying something. He sold his Skater 308 cat to fellow Skater fanatic Shane Mahieu, which means Muller and his son, Ethan, will be boat-less until they take delivery of a new Skater 368 under construction.
“It’s really weird being here without a boat,” Muller admitted a couple of days before the 2025 Joey Gratton Memorial New Year’s Day Fun Run. “Really weird.”

Of course, Muller will handle installing the 36-footer’s electronics. For installation and rigging of the cat’s yet-to-be determine stern-drive engines, he’ll work alongside his friend and client Grant Bruggemann of Grant’s Signature Racing in Bradenton, Fla.
The new 388 won’t just be Muller’s first ground-up Skater catamaran build. It will be his first Skater cat with stern-drive power. To help Muller get a feel for his inboard-engine ride, his friend Chris LaMorte let him drive his 36-footer powered by 700-hp Mercury Racing engines during the Gratton event.
“I’m really excited about it,” he said. “I still haven’t decided what power to put in it.”
So into the Skater brand is Muller that with help LaMorte he started his own invitational Outboard Skater Fun Run in Sarasota, Fla., four years ago. The event which will return in May this year.
“For (Skater Powerboats founder) Peter Hledin, outboard cats are really where it all began, with outboards,” explained Muller. “It’s a testament to what he’s done—and where he is now.
“I hope he comes back to this year’s event,” he added.
—Matt Trulio/