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Pirates of Lanier

The Pirates of Lanier Poker Run has always been a great event with wonderful diversity of activities attracting a wide variety of boaters. ย Hosted...

A record number of boatsย turned up for the 2016 Pirates of Lanier Charity Poker Run. The start of the Poker Run was modified following...

The Pirates of Lanier Poker Run has set the mark as the most charitable poker run in world. Having raised millions for the support...

Pirates of Lanier continues to be one of the very best powerboating events in the country and it is certainly brings the most amount...

Once again, the scallywags of Lanier Partners have put on a stellar charity event. The Pirates of Lanier Poker Run kicked off on the...

The Pirates of Lanier are at it again. Registration, hotel block and slip rentals are now online and ready. The 2014 Pirate Bash was...

Pirates of Lanier...Goal Shattered: John Woodruff and Nancy set a goal. They said they were going to raise $400K for the charities supported by...

We have talking and planning and now its time to leave for the Pirates of Lanier Poker Run. The entire team at Lanier Partners...

To just say the Lanier Poker Run was a great event would be a huge understatement. TheLanier Partners who put on this event to...